What Should You Look For About After-Sales Service from a Cloud Service Provider?
Using cloud-managed networks for businesses doesn’t just end after the cloud has been installed. There is an after-sales service that you must get as a precaution if problems arise with the cloud. An after-sales service is also a form of provider responsibility for their products. Then, what after-sales service should you pay attention to?
Make Sure the Cloud Service Provider Installs from Start to Finish
The installation process may be a little complicated for you, especially if it is for large corporate data systems. Therefore, it is important to choose a cloud service provider that helps you with the installation. Besides, choosing a cloud service provider that serves you as your business expands is also an option. That way, you don’t need to look for other providers when you need a large cloud.
There is 24-hour Customer Service
The most important quality that is favored by service providers, including cloud service providers, is of course 24-hour customer service. Service products bind providers and consumers during service. That’s what makes customer service an important part of this business. The existence of customer service can also increase customer trust in the provider because of the sense of security that is offered if there is a problem with the service product being offered.
Considering what Services are Obtained when the Cloud is Installed
After the cloud network management is installed, it doesn’t mean that the service from the provider stops there, you have to consider what the provider offers after the installation. You can consider whether the cloud service provider has cloud backup and disaster recovery services. This is important considering company data is very important whereas out there are many threats that could allow you to lose data.
Teldat as one of the most trusted cloud service providers offers solutions for hosting applications to consolidating your data center safely, economically, and easily without having to build your own IT infrastructure. For after-sales service, Teldat already has the three things mentioned above. So, there is no need to hesitate to use cloud service from Teldat.